Final Results Pratt Brooklyn

A Win Win: Victory for Both the Passive House Standard and New York City Energy Conservation Code  

The  Passive House box retains plenty of ice, and the NYC Energy Code Box shows the benefits of NYC code improvements.

Weighing the ice.
Weighing the ice.

The results are in! We are thrilled to announce the results of the First Ever US Student Design-Build Ice Box Challenge:

Start weight: 1144 lbs of ice in each box

After sitting out for (1) week…

Final Reveal weight:
900 lbs for #PassiveHouse Ice Box
737 lbs for NYC Energy Code Ice Box

Big congratulations to NYC Energy code for performing so well! Thanks to @NYC_DOB working tirelessly to improve our energy code to be among the most stringent in the nation, nearing PH targets soon! Keep up the great work, NYC! Amazing job by both ice boxes for their excellent thermal performance.

Animation of ice melting during the week.
Animation of ice melting during the week.
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